Our Projects

Proudly Power Integral Solutions (PIS) was representing the leading energy transition chemistry companies; Nanos Tech (https://www.nanos.tech/) & Vorsana (https://www.vorsana.com/) in the commercial mission to Bogota, Colombia.

Proudly Power Integral Solutions (PIS) was representing the leading energy transition chemistry companies; Nanos Tech (https://www.nanos.tech/) & Vorsana (https://www.vorsana.com/) in the commercial mission to Bogota, Colombia.

The Alberta Trade Mission to Colombia was Led by the Minister of International Trade and other senior government officials, and its main intend was to provide access to resources from Canada’s export agencies, and present unique opportunities and benefits to all participants such as access to economic and government decision-makers, support from the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) network and export agencies, unparalleled networking opportunities with the local business community, business-to-business meetings with potential partners, opportunities to create export partnerships.

14 leading Alberta companies participated actively in this event. PSI was responsible of facilitating the commercialization of the portfolio of solutions offered in Colombia by NanosTechs that after many years of focused research have let to an understanding of the catalyst and nano-catalyst technologies useful for making energy more efficient and cleaner for people and the planet. Specifically, the AQP Direct process plus the Self-Generating Hydrotreating products that take difficult Heavy Oils & Renewables to WTI+ Comparable Qualities were offered due to their benefits such as Self-generating hydrogen,  Proprietary catalyst generates the hydrogen needed to sustain operations, Eliminate TAN, Remove acidity from crudes, Enhanced oil quality, Increases heavy crude’s API gravity, Reduces Sulphur in difficult-to-treat crudes, AQP plus reduces the sulphur content of upgraded crudes and difficult to treat high sulfur fuels like bunker fuels, Reduce process complexity, Proprietary catalytic fixed bed reactor hydrogenates and steam-cracking molecules in the single-added reactor.

The Colombian event was a success and after more than 25 meetings, there are potential business to be initiated for the products offered.


Some pictures of the event are being shared.

International Cooperation with Universities in Latin America

The last Wednesday April 10, the students of the chemical engineering faculty from the University of Cartagena, Piedra de Bolivar location, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Enjoyed the conference “The Skills for a Leader within the New International Context” presented by Dr. Carlos Julio Rojas Bernal, from Mentorica, a leading consulting firm in Colombia. This event was sponsored by Power Integral Solutions as an opportunity of collaboration with the University of Cartagena, in coordination with the Drs. Lesly Patricia Tejeda Benítez, a teacher on the Chemical Engineering faculty and Clara Inés Vergara Hernández, Vice-rector on International Relations and Cooperation. In the conference the students learnt the challenges that a leader face, the abilities that a leader should own and the capabilities that it is necessary the leader harvest to be able to success in an international frame.

Facultad de Ingeniería- UdeC | 👩‍🔬El día de ayer los estudiantes de Ingeniería Química disfrutaron de un espacio enriquecedor en la conferencia: 𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞… | Instagram

Power Integral Solutions works with  Berdeza, developing projects of fuel oil commercialization, storage and logistics.

Berdeza relationships and knowledge of the Hydrocarbon and shipping industries is where we have our strengths; Its primary business is the exports and trading of energy products globally – our vision relays on the crude oil and asphalt markets.

Our Team always strive to find the optimum solution for you taking all aspects into consideration. And the objective is to always minimize cost and escalate profits.

BERDEZA LLC., is a company focused on delivering solutions.  We understand the needs of our clients by providing trust and excellent service with experience human capital.

We seek technical innovation; helping industries develop and progress in  human faculties to provide a great value to our customers and the environment. BERDEZA LLC has currently facilities in Cartagena, Colombia, Miami, Florida in United States and Barcelona, Spain.

Our Projects

Sulphur Reduction Technology Project

The Challenge

The International Maritime Organization, aiming to improve the safety and security of international shipping and prevent marine pollution from ships has sharply released more regulated measures on emissions. The current global sulfur cap on bunker fuel set up by IMO has a limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships of 0.05% m/m (mass by mass) from 1 January 2020 much tighter than the 3.5% before.

The Opportunity

Highly committed with the environment and with the fulfillment of the legal IMO requirements, Berdeza initiated a research process looking to explore technical alternative technologies to reduce the Sulphur emissions.


The Partners

NanosTech, a Vorsana Company, emerged from the University of Calgary’s Alberta Ingenuity Centre for In-Situ Energy (AICISE). The company developed an innovation on the leading edge of technology – beginning where we are, today, in an oil and gas economy, and using a patented nano catalysts toward the future.

The Technology

NanosTech desulfurization technology, ODESSA, is based on the coupling of Oxidative Desulphurization (ODS) process with the Aqua processing Technology (AQP). AQP process is based on water activation, where hydrogen is produced in situ from the H2O splitting in the NanosTech proprietary catalysts. The H2 produced in situ that has not reacted in the AQP reactor, can be recycled to improve the desulfurization reaction.

The Project

Berdeza and NanosTech, in liaison with Power Integral Solutions actively have been working towards the analysis and validation of some Colombian oil representative samples to land the feasibility of adding desulphurization and modular refining/upgrading capabilities to CIMF’s well-established trading operations throughout Latin America -looking to expand operations and market opportunities throughout Latin America and expand into the U.S.A. market.